For old war hero schematics and old fashion shells, click here.
Our New Year's resolution is this: we want to make it easier, and faster for you to order your next end-game armoring, mod, and enhancement from our guild. This is only for The Bastion server. We are not fully active in other servers.
Is It Really FREE?
Yes! We craft our items for free. All you need are the materials (mats) for your item. You can click into the link to see the torhead references and mats requirement for each item. We do ask for optional tips. Most customers give us extra materials or credits that they can afford.
How to Order?
STEP 1: Decide which item you want and click on the link below to see the mats requirement.
STEP 2: You can order by mailing your mats to thelastdon (Republic). Make sure that you input in the name of your item. You'd be surprised how many people order without specifying the item.
Imperials on the Bastion server can mail it to ice'ice'baby. Funny name, we know.
Most orders are fulfilled within 3-4 hours, but return can take up to 24 hours.
Allied Crafters?
These are individuals that are not part of Alpha Republic, but support its mission and have committed to delivering products within 24 business hours. You can contact thelastdon for more information about how to be added to the alliance.
[Click on link to see mats requirement.]

New ROTHC (Expansion - Level 55 gear)
If it does not list the crafter name, it means you can contact thelastdon directly.
Arkanian War Leader's MK-X Package
Kits and Augments
Augmentation Kit MK-9
Advanced Overkill Augment 28
Advanced Shield Augment 28
Advanced Fortitude Augment 28
Advanced Reflex Augment 28
Advanced Skill Augment 28
Armoring 34's
Advanced Guardian Armoring 34 new
Advanced Resolve Armoring 34 new
Hilt 34's
Advanced Resolve Hilt 34 new (alpha crafter: msg 'Vladkor')
Armoring/Mods/Enhancement 31's (Level 55)
Advanced Guardian Armoring 31
Advanced Resolve Armoring 31 (alpha crafter: msg 'thelastdon', 'amilda')
Advanced Skill Armoring 31 (alpha crafter: msg 'thelastdon', 'amilda' or 'anablue')
Advanced Commando Armoring 31 (alpha crafter: msg 'asheroth')
Advanced Aptitude Mod 31
Advanced Mettle Mod 31
Advanced Potent Mod 31
Advanced Elusive Mod 31B
Advanced Artful Mod 31 (alpha crafter: msg 'amilda')
Advanced Bastion Enhancement 31
Advanced Vigilant Enhancement 31 new
[Artifact] Microfilament Reaction D-Module
Armoring/Barrels/Mods/Enhancement 30's (Level 55)
Advanced Might Hilt 31 (alpha crafter: msg 'Krust')
Advanced Reflex Barrel 31 (allied crafter: msg 'House-force')
Advanced Skill Barrel 31 (allied crafter: msg 'Onederman')
Advanced Skill Barrel 30
Advanced Commando Armoring 30 (alpha crafter: msg 'asheroth')
Advanced Might Armoring 30
Advanced Reflex Armoring 30 (alpha crafter: msg 'brucass')
Advanced Resolve Armoring 30
Advanced Skill Armoring 30
Advanced Guardian Armoring 30
Advanced Artful Mod 30A
Advanced Deft Mod 30A
Advanced Elusive Mod 30B
Advanced Mettle Mod 30A
Advanced Resilient Mod 30
Advanced Battle Enhancement 30
Advanced Volition Enhancement 30
Advanced Bastion Enhancement 30
Armoring/Mods/Enhancement 28's (Level 53)
Advanced Force Wielder Armoring 28
Advanced Commando Armoring 28
Advanced Guardian Armoring 28
Advanced Might Armoring 28
Advanced Reflex Armoring 28
Advanced Resolve Armoring 28
Advanced Skill Armoring 28
Advanced Agile Mod 28A
Advanced Aptitude Mod 28A
Advanced Artful Mod 28A
Advanced Deft Mod 28A
Advanced Elusive Mod 28B
Advanced Reinforced Mod 28B
Advanced Resilient Mod 28B
Advanced Robust Mod 28B
Advanced Weighted Mod 28B
Advanced Adept Enhancement 28
Advanced Bastion Enhancement 28
Advanced Protection Enhancement 28
Notes on ROTHC:
- Mats for Mods/Armorings 30. The mats required: 2x Tricopper Flux, 2x Mythra, 1x Mass Manipulation Generator, 2x Turadium, 4x Exotic Element Equalizer.
- Mats for Mods/Armorings 28. Torhead has incorrect data for the armoring mats. The mats required: 2x Tricopper Flux, 2x Mythra, 2x Beryllius, 2x Turadium. This applies for both armoring and mod 28's.
- Mats for Augmentation Kit Mk-9. Tricopper Flux 2x, 10x Augmentation Slot Component MK-9, 2x Mythra, 2x Bio-Mechanical Interface Chip, 2x Turadium.
- Mats for Augments 28. 2x Tricopper Flux, 4x Thermal Regulator, 2x Mythra, 2x Turadium.
- We also accept Vice or Enforcer's Contraband Pack in exchange for one 28 armoring or 28 mod.
- If you are looking for direct purchase w/ credits, we will negotiate to GTN pricing. Cost right now is typically 250k credits for a mod or armoring. Check GTN for most recent cost.
Advanced Reflex Barrel 27
Augmentation Kit MK-6
Advanced Absorb Augment 22
Advanced Shield Augment 22
Advanced Skill Augment 22
Advanced Might Augment 22
Advanced Overkill Augment 22 (Mail to 'Jaicen', allied crafter)
Advanced Reflex Augment 22
Advanced Resolve Augment 22 (Mail to 'Jaicen', allied crafter)
Advanced Commando Armoring 26
Advanced Commando Armoring 27
Advanced Force Wielder Armoring 26
Advanced Force Wielder Armoring 27
Advanced Guardian Armoring 26
Advanced Guardian Armoring 27
Advanced Might Armoring 26
Advanced Might Armoring 27
Advanced Reflex Armoring 26
Advanced Reflex Armoring 27
Advanced Resolve Armoring 26
Advanced Resolve Armoring 27
Advanced Skill Armoring 26
Advanced Skill Armoring 27
Advanced Agile Mod 24
Advanced Agile Mod 26
Advanced Agile Mod 27
Advanced Agile Mod 27A (Mail to 'Alelock', allied crafter)
Advanced Aptitude Mod 26
Advanced Aptitude Mod 27
Advanced Artful Mod 26
Advanced Artful Mod 27
Advanced Deflecting Mod 27B
Advanced Deft Mod 26
Advanced Deft Mod 27
Advanced Elusive Mod 26
Advanced Elusive Mod 27
Advanced Keen Mod 27B
Advanced Mettle Mod 26
Advanced Mettle Mod 27
Advanced Potent Mod 27B
Advanced Reinforced Mod 27B
Advanced Resilient Mod 26B
Advanced Resilient Mod 27B
Advanced Weighted Mod 27
Black Hole Bulwark's MK-1 Module
Black Hole Duelist's MK-1 Module
Hilts, Crystals, Enhancements
Advanced Might Hilt 26
Advanced Resolve Hilt 27
Advanced Acute Enhancement 26
Advanced Acute Enhancement 27
Advanced Adept Enhancement 26
Advanced Adept Enhancement 27
Advanced Assault Enhancement 26
Advanced Bastion Enhancement 26
Advanced Bulwark Enhancement 26
Advanced Battle Enhancement 26
Advanced Initiative Enhancement 27
Advanced Steadfast Enhancement 27
Advanced Blue Hawkeye Crystal
Advanced Yellow War Hero's Crystal
Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal
Want more information on how to get free molecular stabilizers? Read LastDon's guide.
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